Fathers' Rights Lawyers in Queens
The Fathers’ Rights Association of New York State
A Queens fathers’ rights lawyer who is experienced and is fully committed to representing fathers in a number of family law issues throughout the borough of Queens, New York will be beneficial if you are a father going through any type of family law matter. A father faces a unique and difficult battle in the face of a divorce or separation agreement. Child custody and visitation matters can be exceedingly difficult, and his rights as a father may be ignored if he does not have a skilled attorney to aggressively assert them every step of the way.
At The Fathers’ Rights Association of New York State, we understand the valuable role that a Queens fathers’ rights attorney will assume in a family law matter involving children. A father may not fully understand his rights and his responsibilities in regards to his child or children, and a discussion with an experienced lawyer can resolve this. Additionally, a father may feel helpless in the face of a divorce where his spouse is asking for spousal support or maintenance as well as child support and is seeking sole custody of the children. A Queens father’s rights lawyer can help ensure that a father’s position and rights are made known to the court in order to have a better opportunity of reaching a favorable case outcome.